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The GAPS Diet

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The GAPS Diet is a gut-healing protocol developed by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. It stands for Gut and Psychology (or Physiology) Syndrome. It focuses on rebuilding and optimizing gut health, which in turn supports the body's immune system to help with healing. It downgrades inflammatory processes that are causing you uncomfortable symptoms and allows the body to initiate repair. The key foods in the diet are meat stock, fermented foods, and animal fats.


So what does that mean in simple terms? What can/can't you eat?

Here's the 1-minute version: 


  • The GAPS Diet focuses heavily on meat stock to heal the gut lining.

  • It prizes traditional foods such as meats (organ and muscle) and natural fats to provide nutrients and healing fundamentals.

  • It removes all complex carbs, which are difficult to digest and feed pathogenic organisms. These are added back in later, after much healing has taken place.

  • It includes a variety of fermented foods to restore gut flora.

  • In addition, the GAPS Diet introduces certain lifestyle changes that support the immune system and natural detoxification.


The GAPS Diet can appear overwhelming at first. As a Certified GAPS Practitioner, I can help you navigate the somewhat challenging steps of implementing this powerful protocol so that you can enjoy success and reclaim your health. 

Meat Stock Anchor

Why should I consider the GAPS Diet?

The GAPS Diet is more than just an elimination diet. It focuses on foods that have powerful repair and therapeutic properties. It heals and seals a leaky gut. As such, it is beneficial in addressing many health issues. It is particularly helpful in addressing issues that don't have a "cure" in the conventional medical system, such as chronic diseases. By repairing and strengthening your microbiome, the GAPS Diet supports the body's immune system to initiate healing from within. 

What's Involved in the GAPS Diet? 

The GAPS Diet does involve commitment from you. It will require changing up many aspects of the way you eat and nourish your body. It requires some cooking skills, but nothing that can't be learned. I will walk you through the steps with recipes and helpful videos. It will require some planning and resourcefulness as well. But the fact that you're still reading this tells me that won't be a major issue for you ;) Yes, hard things are hard, but the payoffs from the GAPS Diet are profound and worth it.  

What can I not eat on the GAPS Diet?

The GAPS Diet removes all processed foods and refined carbohydrates. This can be challenging for many people, especially young children who have developed picky eating patterns. However, do not despair - there are many strategies to get through, over, and around your current dietary habits. We can work together to establish a road map that works for you (and/or your child), at your pace, so that over time the adjustment is neither overwhelming or discouraging.

How is GAPS different from other dietary protocols? 

The core triumph of the GAPS diet is its ability to build resilience over time. Unlike strict protocols like carnivore, which can be very useful and healing in their own right, the GAPS diet actively works to build diversity and resiliency in the gut microbiome. Overtime, this translates to resiliency of the immune system. It doesn't just remove problematic substances forever. It works to eventually allow a reintroduction of a variety of healthy, nutrient-rich foods.The eventual goal is to increase the diversity of nutrient-rich foods available to you so that you can enjoy life and the richness of food traditions without compromising health and well-being.  

Symptoms or Issues that would benefit from the GAPS Diet:


  • Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • Autoimmune Conditions

  • FPIES (Food Protein Intolerance)

  • Diabetes Type I and II

  • Arthritis and Joint Issues

  • Anxiety, Depression, Schizophrenia, Bipolar

  • Severe skin issues - eczema, psoriasis, rashes, hives, acne

What can I eat on the GAPS Diet? 

The keys foods on the GAPS Diet are meat stock (not bone broth!), fermented foods, and animal fats. These foods are very therapeutic and can bring about deep repair. Meat (organ meats, muscle meats, and/or seafood) will be a key component of every meal. You will feel satiated and nourished on this protocol. The GAPS Diet is not about feeling hungry or deprived. The richness of the foods actually makes this diet more akin to a traditional European meal than to diets that shun good fats and quality meats. It can be very gourmet and satisfying.

How long do I need to do the GAPS Diet?

The short answer: it depends.

The long answer: Based on the severity of your condition, how long you stay on the Intro Diet, and how well you manage to implement all aspects of the protocol, and, ultimately, your body's capacity at repairing, will all determine when you are ready to transition off the GAPS Diet. Usually this can take up to 12 to 18 months for some people, or even longer for others.  

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